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Konferencja Naukowa ,,Best Practice in Accessible Tourism. Case Study of V4 Countries”
The conference “Best Practice in Accessible Tourism. Case Study of V4 Countries” is part of a year-long project to examine how the Visegrad Group’s tourist attractions are adapted for people with disabilities. The research was carried out by researchers from the Wroclaw School of Economics, the Czech Polytechnic University in Igawa, Slovakia’s Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica and Hungary’s Pannonian University in Veszprém. The aforementioned conference, held on May 18 – 19 in Wroclaw, brought together researchers and practitioners from different parts of the world related to the tourism industry to learn about the results of research, as well as to talk about the accessibility of tourism for people with different types of disabilities.
Partners of the event included Deputy Marshal of Lower Silesia Marcin Krzyzanowski, Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw Sebastian Lorenc, President of Walbrzych Roman Szełemej, Wroclaw Starost Roman Potocki and President of the Lower Silesian Tourist Organization Adam Zawada, as well as many other respected figures of the region and tourism. Participants of the conference included people from all over Europe – not only from the countries of the Visegrad Group, but also from Portugal, Spain or the UK and Turkey.

We would like to invite you to take part in the upcoming International Conference “Best Practice in Accessible Tourism. Case Study of V4 Countries”. The conference will be a platform for international exchange of scientific achievements and practical experience in the field of widely understood accessible tourism.
The main goals of the conference are:
– discussion on the current problems of tourism, including accessible tourism;
– creating perspectives for the development of accessible tourism;
– expanding the idea of accessible tourism in the V4 countries and beyond;
– integration of the scientific community, tourism business practitioners as well as social and tourist organizations;
– indication of good practices in the field of accessible tourism;
– promotion of the “Tourism for All” project results.
The following thematic sessions are planned during the conference, offering the participants a chance to present current tourism issues in the field of:
– spatial, social, economic and legal conditions for the development of accessible tourism;
– the role of tourism in the integration of people with disabilities;
– good practices in tourism, including accessible tourism;
– innovative solutions in tourism, including accessible tourism;
– contemporary information technologies in tourism, including accessible tourism;
– planning and spatial development in the field of tourism, including accessible tourism.
Organizing and Scientific Committee
The composition of both committees can be viewed by clicking on THIS LINK.
Papers and publication
If you are interested in presenting a paper during the conference, please send the title of the presentation and abstract via the application form. The abstract should contain a clear reference to the sources and results in the presentation. Text volume is max. 350 words. The submitted abstracts will be available on the conference website and in the abstract book prepared for the conference.Conference language: Polish and English. Plenary sessions will be interpreted simultaneously.
The authors will be able to publish their works in the following periodicals:
Studia Miejskie (ISSN:2543-5302, 20 pkt Ministry of Science and Higher Education) – papers in English should be submitted through the following panel:
Studia Turistica (ISSN: 1804-252X) –
papers in English should be submitted through the following panel:
Society and Politics. An Educational Journal (ISNN: 17133-8050, 20 pkt Ministry of Science and Higher Education) – papers in English should be submitted through the following panel:
reviewed scientific monograph in the Publishing House of the Vistula University Group according to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education list.
18 may 2022 r.
8:30 – 9:45 – Registration of conference participants
10:00-10:30 – Offical opening of the conference
10:30-11:30 – Lectures of keynote speakers
11:30-12:00 – Coffee break
12:00-13:30 – I plenary session
13:30-14:30 – Lunch
14:30-16:00 – II plenary session
18:00-24:00 – Gala dinner with cultural programme
19 may 2022 r.
10:00-11:30 – Thematic session/ “One step closer” workshop
11:30-12:00 – Coffee break
12:00-13:30 – Thematic session/ “One step closer” workshop
13:30-14:30 – Summary of the conference
14:30-15:30 – Lunch
16.00 – Departure of participants
Conference fees
EUR 20 – online participation (participation in plenary and thematic sessions, certificate of participation, conference materials)
EUR 100 – direct participation without accommodation (participation in plenary and thematic sessions, meals – coffee breaks, 2 x lunch, gala dinner, participation in the “One step closer” workshops, participation certificate, conference materials)
EUR 150/170 – direct participation with accommodation in a double / single room on 18/05/2022 (participation in plenary and thematic sessions, hotel **** accommodation, meals – coffee breaks, 2 x lunch, gala dinner, participation in the “One step closer” workshops, certificate of participation, conference materials).
We invite you to participate in culinary workshops on Polish cuisine on 17/05/2022. Participation in the workshops is free of charge. We also invite you to participate in the Lower Silesia Study Tour on May 20, 2022. The participation is free of change.
Deadlines and Application
Until 28 February 2022 – registration of participation in the conference. If you are interested in making a presentation, please attach the title of your presentation and an abstract.
Until 31 March 2022 – conference fee payment deadline.
Application and contact:
If you are interested in participating in the conference, please complete the application form (link).
Contact with the organizers
e-mail: [email protected]
Postal address:
Izabela Gruszka Katedra
Turystyki i Rekreacji
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa we Wrocławiu
Ul. Ostrowskiego 22,
53-238 Wrocław
Phone: +48 880 136 826
Phone: +48 606 731 263 (English)
More information on the conference will soon be available on the following website:

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.