Student Internships


  • The Internship is a graded subject and has 15 ECTS point.
  • You need to complete 280 clock hour.
  • The place of the internship should related to your field of studies.
  • You can complete your internship online or abroad.
  • Deadline for submitting full documentation of student internships in the winter semester 2024/2025:
    – first deadline 17/01/2025
    – second deadline 31/01/2025

How to pass the internship and what documents do you need?

MOODLE platform

The documents and your answers are going to be submitted though an e-learning platform MOODLE and assessed by your Internship Supervisor.

Access to the Moodle platform:


Login: firstname.surname (created based on email addresses)

Starting password is: WAB500

Instructions for completing the course on the Moodle platform:

  • Step 1. Ask for approval of the internship place
    After logging into the Moodle platform and selecting the Internship subject in the My Courses tab, we start with step 1, which is the request for approval of the internship place. Only after approval of the internship place by the Internship Supervisor is access to the next steps unlocked.
  • Step 2a. Credit through unpaid internship or
    Step 2b. Credit through professional work
    After receiving approval, depending on whether you are pursuing an unpaid internship or through work, you will proceed to step 2a (unpaid internship) or step 2b (internship through work).
    NOTE!!! Select only one of the listed steps, do not complete steps 2a and 2b at the same time!
    In step 2a or 2b, answer the questions about the internship and in the spaces provided, upload the required attachments.
  • Step 3. Fill out the student satisfaction survey
  • Step 4. Copy the link to the survey and send it to your employer

There are two paths to internship credit:

  1. Unpaid internship
  2. Professional work

Within each of these paths, the student adds different attachments.

Attachments – Unpaid Internship:

  1. Internship Agreement
  2. CONFIRMATION of student placement
  3. A copy of the National Court Register or CEIDG or a foreign register.

Attachments – Professional Work:

  1. Certificate of employment – model employer, but necessarily with period of employment, job title, scope of duties.
  2. APPLICATION for crediting professional work as compulsory internship.
  3. A copy of the National Court Register or CEIDG or a foreign register.

KRS and CEIDG for companies registered in Poland can be downloaded online:

Documents to download


room 2/6
Tue. – Wed. 8 am – 3:30 pm

Krzysztof Cygan, PhD
Internship Supervisor
tel. +48 71 333 11 08
e-mail [email protected]

Supervisors of English majors

dr Radosław Milewski
Logistics faculty supervisor
room 2/12
e-mail [email protected]

mgr Anna Kwietniewska
Management faculty supervisor
room 2/16
e-mail [email protected]

Frequently asked questions

1. Can an internship be credited through volunteering?

2. Is it possible to get credit for an internship through your own business or in your parents’ company?

3. Can the internship be done abroad?

4. What happens if the student does not manage to complete the internship by the deadline?

5. Is it possible to do an internship remotely?

6. Is it possible to make the internship twice in the same place?

7. Can I get credit for two internships at one time?

8. Can I get credit for an internship outside of an industry related to my major?

9. Can the internship be completed earlier than stated in the study plan?

10. Can a job from 10 years ago be credited?