16 lutego 2022
Prof. dr Tobias Dauth
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. Junior Professor in International Management.
Tobias Dauth is the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Junior Professor in International Management at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. The Professorship was founded in 2013 and focuses on maintaining and expanding German-Polish scientific relations. In current research projects he investigates the role and the impact of international top managers in the internationalization processes of firms. A second major research area comprises the internationalization of German and Polish small and medium sized firms. Tobias Dauth also fosters regional and international partnerships. He collaborates with the Leipzig-based Fraunhofer MOEZ (Center for Central and Eastern Europe) to establish a network and cooperation between the stakeholders of the Central and Eastern European growth markets. His teaching activities aim at providing students with state of the art knowledge in international management. To do so, he combines theoretical perspectives with critical thinking and real-life case studies. Ultimately, his courses shall prepare students to effectively deal with the challenges arising from firms’ international activities.