16 lutego 2022
Prof. dr DIPL.-KFM Andreas Wilms
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Specialization: change management, organization, CSR, finance
Andreas Wilms is a graduate from HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, one of Germany’s best business schools, where he received his M.Sc. degree in 2004 and his PhD degree in 2008. During his studies he spent two exchange terms in Spain (at EADA in Barcelona) and in India (at IIMB in Bangalore), two internships led him to the UK (with Bain & Company) and to Australia (with WestLB). From 2009 through 2012 Prof. Wilms worked as a management consultant for BCG – The Boston Consulting Group. He was mainly active in the Consumer Goods and the Energy Practice, focusing on strategy, organization and reorganization. In August 2012 he was appointed professor at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Wilms has extensive experience in MBA teaching and executive education.