16 lutego 2022
Luca Bertocci
Luca is a Partner and Regional Director at Garrison Group. He has experience in over 20 countries with several companies, both multinational and local ones (Carlsberg, Efes-SAB Miller, Unicer, Danone, Carrefour, IKEA, VISA, the Norwegian Olympic Committee, Bayer, Sanofi Aventis, etc.).
Entrepreneurial by nature, he co-funded PostPro, a cutting-edge startup with the objective of democratizing the access to advertising to everybody in the world.
In addition to his consulting work, Luca is a Visiting Professor of Global Marketing and Advertising (MBA level) at Economic University of Krakow and at University of Business in Wrocław (Executive MBA). He also taught as a guest lecturer at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences, at the LUISS School of Business (Rome), at the American University of Armenia, at the Maastricht School of Management (Bucharest) and led a Tuck School of Business Seminar (Dartmouth – USA Ivy League) in Istanbul in collaboration with Soyak Real Estate.
Prior to Garrison Group Luca worked for Pirelli (Milan) as a Global Demand Planner and at the Milan Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai) as a consultant for companies looking for new business opportunities in the Chinese market.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lucabertocci