05 March 2024
We received as many as 6 certificates of “Studies with a Future”!

In this year’s edition of the “Studies with a Future” competition, we received as many as quality certificates, which went to the MBA and Postgraduate Studies Center at WAB!
The Accreditation Certificate “Studies with a Future” was awarded to:
MBA studies in the Management specialization (for the fourth time!),
MBA Lean Management studies (for the third time),
MBA Project Management & Leadership studies,
Postgraduate studies in “Interior Design” – the latter also received a Trophy and an Extraordinary Certificate “Quality Education Leader”.
This year, we also received an EXTRAORDINARY PREMIUM
Certificate for the Master of Business Administration specialization.
The awards and trophies were collected by Aneta Szymańska, PhD – Vice-Rector for Development and External Relation, Director of MBA and Postgraduate Studies, along with the Program Managers: Ilona Nowicka, Łukasz Bielakowski, Paweł Raszeja, Edyta Samborska, Paulina Karolina Pośpiech, and Przemysław Nowak.
At the invitation of the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education and the PRC Agency, Rectors, Deans, and program managers representing universities from all over Poland participated in the ceremony. The gala was accompanied by discussions on the quality of education, networking meetings of representatives of the academic world, a concert by the Kapusta Band choir, composed of refugee children from Ukraine, and a banquet in honor of the Laureates.
In the most important, ceremonial part of the event, representatives of study programs conducted by Polish public and non-public universities received “Studies with a Future” Certificates, awarded for interesting and valuable merit-based program solutions implemented in the accredited study programs. The diplomas and statues were presented by Dariusz Rott z Komisji Certyfikacyjnej (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie), Grażyna Kaczmarczyk (Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji) and dr Bartłomiej E. Nowak (NAWA Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej).