08 February 2023
In solidarity with Turkey and Syria
Dear Students and Staff of our Academic Community,
we have been shocked ever since we learned of the catastrophic earthquake and aftershocks in Turkey and the rest of the world, which killed thousands of people.
The Wrocław Business University, along with the other universities in the Vistula Group of Universities (GUV), has been in contact with students in the affected areas and our thoughts are with all those whose families have been affected by the tragedy.
We know that these are difficult times for many of you.
Expressing our commitment to help and support those affected, together with GUV, we invite students and staff to join us in collecting essential items, which we will forward to the relevant authorities of the Republic of Turkey in Warsaw and the charitable institutions involved.
Place of collection:
Wrocław Business University of Applied Sciences
22 Ostrowskiego Str.
53-238 Wrocław
Reception of the University
The list of items needed is updated on an ongoing basis by the Turkish Embassy in Poland in consultation with the relevant authorities in Turkey and includes:
- Jackets and mackintoshes
- Boots, wellingtons
- Jumpers
- Trousers
- Gloves, scarves, hats
- Underwear and socks
(Please donate only unused (new) clothes.
- Blankets
- Thermoses
- Torches
- Powerbanks
- Sanitary towels and pampers
- Cleaning products
- Umbrellas
- Wet wipes
We are also collecting donations for the victims of the earthquake on the Vistula University Group account:
ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787, Warsaw/Poland
Swift Code: ALBPPLPW
EURO IBAN: EN 98 2490 0005 0000 4600 8605 6092
PLN: 43 2490 0005 0000 4600 2097 0179
Donations can also be made to the following organisations:
AFAD: Disaster and Emergency management
Presidency: afad.gov.tr/depremkampanyasi2 (donate in TRY. EUR and USD)
AKUT: Voluntary Search, Assist and Rescue Organisation: akut.org.tr/en/donation (donate in TRY. EUR and USD)
AHBAP: Voluntary Networks, active in the affected regions: bagis.ahbap.org (donate in TRY. EUR and USD)
We cannot be indifferent to such a great tragedy. Let us collectively speak out about the enormity of this disaster and raise the awareness of the World to its impact.
Thank you for any support you can offer.